Price Drop: Duduk - The Soul of the Mountains (Music)
Duduk - The Soul of the Mountains 2.0.1
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Music
Price: $2.99 -> Free, Version: 2.0.1 (iTunes)
Dear Friends,
Thank you for your attention to the Duduk - The Soul of the Mountains application.
This program conveys our Love of the Duduk, and we invite you to share it with us.
This application will allow you to:
- know what the Duduk is;
- view the Duduk in 3D;
- listen to the Duduk: this application offers 6 original musical pieces played on the Duduk and composed specially for this application. While listening to the music, you will enjoy mountain views;
- play the Duduk, with or without accompaniment, and feel like a real Duduk Player.
Enjoy this unique opportunity! :)
We are genuinely interested in your feedback, so feel free to let us know your opinions and suggestions! :)
We always welcome Friends to join us!
Sincerely Yours,
What's New
Dear Friends, thank you for your prompt and ever so useful feedback! It helps us make our software better.
We apologise for the current inconvenience of the software for iPhone 5 and iPod 5.
We are already working on an update and will very soon be releasing an app that will be perfectly adapted for your devices.
The current version here is a temporary solution that will already considerably increase the convenience of the app for iPhone 5 and iPod 5.
Duduk - The Soul of the Mountains
Price Drop: Дудук - Душа Гор (Music)
Дудук - Душа Гор 2.0.1
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Music
Price: $2.99 -> Free, Version: 2.0.1 (iTunes)
Спасибо Вам за внимание к программе "Дудук - Душа Гор".
Этой программой мы выражаем Любовь к Дудуку, нам хочется, чтобы и Вы разделили ее.
Программа поможет Вам:
- узнать что такое Дудук;
- увидеть Дудук в 3D формате;
- услышать Дудук: в программе представлены 6 авторских музыкальных композиций, исполненных на Дудуке, написанных специально для этого приложения. Во время прослушивания произведений Вы насладитесь видами горных ландшафтов;
- сыграть на Дудуке с предложенным аккомпанементом или без него, почувствовав себя настоящим исполнителем;
Мы желаем Вам приятного использования приложения :)
Нам очень интересны Ваши мнения, пожелания и предложения, поэтому не стесняйтесь, пишите нам :)
Мы всегда рады Друзьям,
Ваш DirigerOnline
What's New
Друзья, спасибо Вам за своевременные и полезные отзывы, благодаря им мы делаем программу лучше.
Мы приносим извинения за предоставленные неудобства в использовании программы на iPhone 5 и iPod 5.
В ближайшее время мы представим Вам приложение, доработанное для данных устройств.
Текущая версия - это временное решение, призванное многократно уменьшить неудобства при использовании программы на iPhone 5 и iPod 5.
Дудук - Душа Гор
Price Drop: Proud to be Haitian (Education)
Proud to be Haitian 1.1
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Education
Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1 (iTunes)
"With much talk about how other countries are helping rebuild Haiti post-quake, not enough is known about how Haiti helped to build the New World – liberating other colonies and inspiring many to fight for their freedom." Well, now there's an app for that." Monique McIntosh National Weekly.Proud Haitian is intended to encourage and empower the 14 million Haitians around the world, as well inform non-Haitians about the richness of Haitian culture. Search for a local Haitian restaurant or bakery. Learn about present-day Haiti with live RSS feeds, Haiti and Hollywood, current Haitian athletes, political figures, authors, artists and executives like Reginald “Reggie” Fils-Aime, president and chief operating officer of Nintendo of America. Enjoy a fun game to test your knowledge of Haiti. like the app at
Proud Haitian is a Proud Support of Foundation Hope for Haiti support them as go to and Lynn University Global Citizenship Fund support it as go to
This update of Proud Haitian has more Restaurants, find a museum, share memorable moments, streaming audio, Haitian Provers and so much more
Proud to be Haitian
Price Drop: phonetrait - Your Personal Smart Dialer (Productivity)
phonetrait - Your Personal Smart Dialer 3.6.19
Device: iOS iPhone
Category: Productivity
Price: $2.99 -> Free, Version: 3.6.19 (iTunes)
phonetrait provides a quick, easy, and fun way to contact people from your address book. By sorting the contacts on the starting screen by how often and how recently you contacted them, guarantees the quickest access to the people most important and relevant for you.
There is no longer the need to manage your 'favorites', phonetrait will do this for you now!
The top three contacts will be your three most called contacts. The other contacts will be your most recent called contacts. However, you can of course add 'favorites' yourself, which will always be visible. If you want phonetrait even shows you some random contacts from your address book.
If you tap on one of your contacts' picture, phonetrait will show you an overview for this contact, where you are able to initiate a phone call. You can also send a text message (iMessage if supported) or an email. Sending Tweets or Direct Messages on Twitter is also supported.
By showing you the contact pictures it is easier to recognize a contact at a glance. Phonetrait tries to get a picture for every contact by using the Facebook and Twitter account data from the address book. If no picture is available phonetrait shows one of various beautiful default pictures in one of four different colors, making it even possible to quickly distinguish between contacts without picture.
You can even view your contacts notes, addresses, websites and photos within phonetrait.
In the settings app on your phone you can change if phonetrait should show the first name, last name or nickname. If the option 'nickname' is chosen phonetrait will show the first or last name, depending on the settings, if there is no nickname for this contact available. In the settings you can also change if the last row should show random contacts or not. Additionally, you'll be able to chose wether phonetrait should prefer the address book images or the profile pictures from Twitter or Facebook.
Of course your whole address book is also accessible in phonetrait. If the contact you need to call is not in your top three or your recent contacts, you can start searching your full address book with just one tap.
For additional information visit or follow @phonetrait on Twitter.
What's New
- Minor Improvements
- Fixes the bug, which made contacts unresponsive under some circumstances on iOS 7
- Minor Improvements
- Full support for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus
- Website previews are working again
- Performance improvements for older devices
- A lot of internal improvements and bug fixes
phonetrait - Your Personal Smart Dialer
Price Drop: Зайчик учит слоги (Education)
Зайчик учит слоги 2.0.1
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Education
Price: $2.99 -> Free, Version: 2.0.1 (iTunes)
Эту программу мы создали для того, чтобы после освоения азбуки, Ваш Зайчик смог сделать следующий шаг – изучить слоги.
Малыш увидит и услышит слоги, сможет познакомиться с ними в доступной игровой форме.
Для успешного последовательного освоения слогов программа разделена на 3 функциональных блока:
1. Начальное знакомство со слогами
2. Изучение слогов
3. Проверка усвоенного материала в игровой форме
Каждый блок состоит из упражнений, направленных на усвоение слогов.
Для каждого упражнения написана своя оригинальная авторская музыка, что делает обучение более интересным и увлекательным.
В программе использован простой и понятный интерфейс, что позволяет ребенку не отвлекаться от занимательных упражнений. Для того чтобы Малышу было интересно и весело, на всем пути обучения его сопровождают красочные зайчики.
Игра общается с Малышом, произнося буквы, слоги, слова и фразы. По вашему желанию, Вы можете выбрать голос из трех вариантов или даже использовать свой собственный, записав его в программу прямо на iPad/iPhone/iPod.
Мы хотим, чтобы программа была удобна и полезна для Вас, поэтому будем рады Вашим отзывам и предложениям, и постараемся, чтобы с каждым новым обновлением программа радовала Вас и Вашего малыша все больше и больше.
Желаем Вам приятного и полезного использования программы,
Ваш DirigerOnline
What's New
В это обновление мы добавили элементы Родительского контроля. Теперь Ваш Зайчик не сможет случайно выйти в интернет или отправить электронную почту :)
Зайчик учит слоги
Price Drop: [繁]日本偵探推理名家49人文集 (Books)
[繁]日本偵探推理名家49人文集 6.1
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Books
Price: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 6.1 (iTunes)
匯集日本偵探推理小說名家49人經典作品156部, 松本清張(9 部)東野圭吾(13 部)江戶川亂步(7部)橫溝正史(7部)森村誠一(4部) 西村京太郎(7部) 赤川次郎(25部)仁木悅子(2部)山村美紗(7部)夏樹靜子(12部)佐野洋(10部)鮎川哲也(2部)大谷羊太郎(4部)深谷忠記(1部)石澤英太郎(2部) 笹澤左保(2部)土屋隆夫(4部) 小林久三(2部) 寬齊(5部) 其他日本作家(30人31部)
PR Reader 3.0, 為您提供最佳的閱讀感受:
1 智能書籤:讓你感覺爽的很
2 一鍵切換:簡潔方便,在正常邏輯內,所有操作一鍵完成,不讓您多點一次
3 滿屏滾動2種閱讀模式:滾動模式自由設置頁面字數,自由選擇您的閱讀習慣
3 智能切換:翻頁、章節、目錄,全部智能判斷,自動切換。支持任意位置添加目錄自由圖片
4 樹狀分類:相對於一本書,PR Reader提供是一組書,例如,對於某本小說,可以將作者生平資料,書籍分析後記,書籍評論,全部組織提供給您
5 歷史前進後退:延續電腦閱讀模式
PR Reader ,還會為您做更多……
松本清張(9 部)
東野圭吾(13 部)
江戶川亂步 (7部)
橫溝正史 (7部)
橫溝正史 簡介
森村誠一 (4部)
森村誠一 簡介
西村京太郎 (7部)
西村京太郎 簡介
赤川次郎 (25部)
赤川次郎 簡介
仁木悅子 (2部)
山村美紗 (7部)
山村美紗 簡介
夏樹靜子 (12部)
夏樹靜子 簡介
佐野洋 (10部)
佐野洋 簡介
鮎川哲也 (2部)
大谷羊太郎 (4部)
深谷忠記 (1部)
石澤英太郎 (2部)
笹澤左保 (2部)
土屋隆夫 (4部)
小林久三 (2部)
寬齊 (5部)
其他日本作家 (31)
What's New
Price Drop: Proud Haitian (Education)
Proud Haitian 1.0
Device: iOS iPhone
Category: Education
Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)
"With much talk about how other countries are helping rebuild Haiti post-quake, not enough is known about how Haiti helped to build the New World – liberating other colonies and inspiring many to fight for their freedom. Well, now there's an app for that" .Monique McIntosh National Weekly Proud Haitian is intended to encourage and empower the 14 million Haitians around the world, as well inform non-Haitians about the richness of Haitian culture. Search for a local Haitian restaurant or bakery. Learn about present-day Haiti with the latest news feeds, celebrity news with Haiti and Hollywood, current Haitian athletes, pollitical figures, authors, artists and executives like Reginald “Reggie” Fils-Aime, president and chief operating officer of Nintendo of America. Enjoy a fun game to test your knowledge of Haiti. like the app at
Proud Haitian is a Proud Support of Foundation Hope for Haiti support them as go to and Lynn University Global Citizenship Fund support it as go to
Proud Haitian
Price Drop: Get Rich Quick as: Property Developer (Games)
Get Rich Quick as: Property Developer 1
Device: iOS iPhone
Category: Games
Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1 (iTunes)
We all want to be Rich Quick!
Get Rich Quick the Property Developer Game is here.
Your Grandmother has passed away but don't worry she was old and left you a lovely little granny flat to let you get into the Property Game.
Use this granny flat as a launching platform to buy and sell your way up to being rich and buy your way up to a mansion or even a castle.
Get Rich Quick: Property Developer has three game modes:
Make as much money as you can in 30 minutes.
Make a quick 10 million dollars.
Build up your fortune to buy the Castle!
This is a highly addictive game to practice what we are all dreaming of
Hurry now.
Get Rich Quick as: Property Developer
Price Drop: Cross It Off! (Productivity)
Cross It Off! 2.6
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Productivity
Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 2.6 (iTunes)
Simple and sweet like paper and pencil. Make lists quickly and easily, then cross off your completed items with a finger swipe.
- NEW: Collapse sections you're not using right now.
- Start a list with a tap. Keep it plain and simple, or organize longer lists with sections.
- Swipe to the right to cross off an item, swipe left to uncross.
- Share lists with others (or yourself) via email.
- Edit, delete, or rearrange items and sections at any time.
- Cross off (or uncross) a whole section at once.
- Delete all crossed off items with the tap of a button... or uncross them to use the list again.
- Create as many lists as you like. Edit list titles and rearrange their order whenever you wish. Color code your lists for simple organization.
-Compatible with RTL (right-to-left) languages.
- NEW: Lock your list to go shopping without distraction - the keyboard won't come up and the orientation won't change. You can still cross and uncross items when the lock is on.
- NEW: Choose different colors for different sections. (must be turned on in Settings)
Tired of sedate little check marks or overly complex task apps? Cross It Off! is what you've been waiting for.
(Cross It Off! Lite is also available if you'd like to test drive a single list for free.)
*PLEASE NOTE: I do my best to respond quickly to bug reports and feature requests when contacted via email (this is easily done from within the app or using the link on this page). There is no way for a developer to respond to requests or bug reports included in App Store reviews.
What's New
Brightened colors make headings easier to read.
Fixes bug where reordering list items was unreliable.
Fixes occasional crashing bug.
Cross It Off!
Price Drop: Black Sports Online (Sports)
Black Sports Online 1.6
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Sports
Price: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 1.6 (iTunes)
BlackSportsOnline is one of the most influential Sports Blog in the country. Partnered with USA Today Sports Media, Robert Littal and his team of talented writers bring you a unique perspective in the worlds of Sports and Sports Entertainment.
We are your one stop shop from any and everything sports and sports entertainment related.
Download this App today.
What's New
Universal App, available for iPad Also.
Black Sports Online
Price Drop: NICU Timer (Medical)
NICU Timer 1.0
Device: iOS iPhone
Category: Medical
Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)
Mobile applications are becoming more important to peoples lives every day. Simple tools can make a big difference in how people perform their daily activities. NICU Timer was developed for a specific task that involves giving critical care to newborns and infants in hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Units and Delivery Rooms. The task was to keep caregivers informed both, visually and audibly, to the timing involved in each step of lifesaving procedures. The timer will speak the elapsed time in a loud and clear voice, so users do not have to take their eyes off the patient during a procedure.
This timer is especially helpful in either the instruction or practice of the American Academy of Pediatrics Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) . In the NRP, the assessment of the newborn’s respirations, heart rate, and color prompt decisions to progress through the algorithm, with approximately 30 seconds allotted to complete each step. The NICU Timer, set to progressive 30 seconds intervals, can prompt staff to make decisions and help improve documentation.
The solution provided by Again Development, includes a simple, easy-to-use design that doesn't get in the way during an emergency situation.
The timer can be set for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 minutes. The timer intervals can be set for 30, 60, 120, 180, 240 and 300 second intervals. When the timer is started, it counts up from 00:00.
NICU Timer
Price Drop: 3D Keys - 3D Animated Emoji Keyboard + 3D Animated Greetings (Utilities)
3D Keys - 3D Animated Emoji Keyboard + 3D Animated Greetings 1.0.0
Device: iOS iPhone
Category: Utilities
Price: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0.0 (iTunes)
3D Keys is the worlds first & only animated 3D Emoji & Greetings Keyboard.Express your emotions with New Animated 3D emoticons, 3D Greetings like never before.
• 600+ 3D Animated Emojis
• 300+ 3D Animated Greetings
• 800+ 2D Emojis
• 350+ Text Emotions
• 250+ Symbols
• 70+ Text Boarders
• Simple user interface
• Save your favorites
• System-wide integrated keyboard, Works in all your favorite apps.
Send 3D Animated gifs via Messages, email, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Kik, Line, Kakao Talk, WeChat and almost anywhere you can type rich text.
We created all the 3D animations contained in 3D Keys so you will not find any of these animations anywhere.
iOS 8 requires enabling Full Access to fetch GIF (animations) from the app.
We do not save your key strokes or collect your personal data.
Some users might lose Full Access Keyboard Settings after a few days. This is a temporary bug that affects all third-party keyboards for now.
If you lose Full Access, go to your settings, tap 3D Keys keyboard then tap Full Access
and toggle the button to enable it again.
All images & animations (gif) contained in this app are the exclusive property of BigD FX and are protected under the United States and International Copyright laws. BigD FX created all images & animations (gif) contained in this app. These images & animations (gif) may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted, manipulated or use to build other mobile apps, in whole or in part, for any purpose
without our written permission. Use of any images & animations (gif) in this app as the basis
for another mobile app as gif or any converted format is a violation of the United States and
International Copyright laws. All images & animations (gif) contained on this app are copyrighted © 2014 BigD FX.
3D Keys - 3D Animated Emoji Keyboard + 3D Animated Greetings
Price Drop: Legend of Empire (Games)
Legend of Empire 1.0.0
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Games
Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0.0 (iTunes)
Conquer the ancient realm, build your powerful empire, evoke the lost glory! Legend of Empire is a brilliant mixture of fast-paced strategy and tactical combat. Just PLAY FOR FREE in this addictive simulation and strategy MMO game!
During 20th-29th December, new users will get a valuable package including 1000 gold and other items! Please note: only the first account registered on the same device will receive the package.
- Build and Customize your own mighty Empire.
- Train vast troops of Swordman, Assassin, Paladin & Mage.
- Upgrade Dwarf, Treant, and even Faerie Dragon to fortify your Empire!
- Raise a cruel army, plan attack to expand your territory.
- Wishing at Moon Well, Summon legendary ELF Heroes to fight with your people.
- Craft epic weapons & embed them with magical gems. Equip them to your Heroes!
- Rediscover the ancient wisdom, research technologies to make your Empire more powerful.
- Play online and chat with people from all over the world.
- Create or Join an Alliance and battle together! Make friends, Chat, Help and Trade with each other in the Alliance.
- Forge diplomatic alliance. Pick out a Spy, defeat opposing force.
- Watch the animate Battle Report, arrange your troops, set an rally with your allies, and plan strategic battles in REAL-TIME.
Hold your crown, muster your armed troops before dawn, Holy War of DAYBREAK is starting!
Please Note:
1. Legend of Empire is completely free to play, however some game items can also be purchased for real money.
2. Internet connection is required to play Legend of Empire.
If you have any problem or suggestion, please feel free to contact us via:
Legend of Empire
Price Drop: inka (Games)
inka 1.2
Device: iOS iPhone
Category: Games
Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.2 (iTunes)
Use your skills to help our hero pass the obstacles to find the princess in this hell themed 10-level 3d platformer with puzzle elements.
-This game is partially supported by physical controls.
/* For optimum performance of this game , you need iPhone 5 or later */
Price Drop: The One Handed Keyboard (Utilities)
The One Handed Keyboard 1.0.1
Device: iOS iPhone
Category: Utilities
Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0.1 (iTunes)
The One Handed Keyboard is the easiest way to type on your new iPhone 6 with one hand! You can quickly reach every key with just one hand!
The One Handed Keyboard can move the keyboard to either side of the phone and remembers the last position you used it in!
The One Handed Keyboard works in ANY application!
What's New
- Fixed app not installing on iOS 8.0 devices
- Fixed the #+= button not displaying the alternate keys
The One Handed Keyboard
Price Drop: PanicPic (Photography)
PanicPic 1.1
Device: iOS iPhone
Category: Photography
Price: $2.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1 (iTunes)
The PanicPic App. when activated, takes pictures of people using face finding technology.
As pictures are being taken they are simultaneously sent to the PanicPic website (
What's New
More Features.
Price Drop: Rani Muthu Tamil Calendar 2014 (Utilities)
Rani Muthu Tamil Calendar 2014 1.2
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Utilities
Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.2 (iTunes)
Rani Muthu daily sheet Tamil calendar 2014 is here in app version to provide you with necessary daily information in Tamil. This calendar shows the accurate Tamil date and month with auspicious days and time, Raghu Kaalam, Yemakandam, Important fasting days, Gauri Panchangam and much more. Download this calendar app to lead your life in the successful path.
What's New
Minor Bug Fixes, UI Improvements.
Rani Muthu Tamil Calendar 2014
Price Drop: Yuvi - Story Aerobics for Kids FULL (Education)
Yuvi - Story Aerobics for Kids FULL 1.1
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Education
Price: $7.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1 (iTunes)
Yuvi – Story Aerobics is the best app for kids to learn how to exercise while having incredible fun.
The ten part series was developed in collaboration with experts in the fields of child development and professional training. To ensure the best possible product our team of incredible artists worked towards the goal of being the best educational app for growing children. Not only does Yuvi – Story Aerobics help develop kids motor skills, but it is also incredibly successful at encouraging the development of their imagination, creativity and reasoning. It combines elements from the best cartoons, good night stories, yoga for kids’ exercises and aerobics programs.
The application is primarily made for preschool children and it follows the simple logic that happy children are healthy children. Throughout the incredible journey of Yuvi, our lovable main character, kids not only develop motor skills, learn how to exercise and how to dance, but also learn valuable lessons of working towards a goal, the importance of teamwork and compassion. And the best part is that they are having lots of fun while doing it!
What's New
- minor bugs fixed
Yuvi - Story Aerobics for Kids FULL
Price Drop: Dreamjob Veterinarian – My First Little Animal Practice (Games)

Dreamjob Veterinarian – My First Little Animal Practice 1.1
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Games
Price: $3.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1 (iTunes)

You can open your own veterinary practice here. Slide into the role of veterinarian and help your fluffy patients with all of their ailments. While doing so you’ll learn a lot about dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs and their various animal diseases.
•Open your own veterinary practice
•Cool graphics and realistic sound effects
•Learning rich veterinarian simulation game
•Care for dogs, cats and rabbits as well as guinea pigs and birds
In this game you’ll take over countless tasks from the day-to-day work of a veterinarian. You learn how to interpret symptoms and how different treatments can be used. The more patients you help on their road to recovery, the more money you’ll earn. With this you can buy new medical instruments or expand your clinic. Turn your career wish into a reality while enjoying cool graphics, realistic sound effects and simple touchscreen control.
Regardless of whether it’s birds, guinea pigs, cats or dogs, right on the first day many patients need your help. To find out what’s wrong with the animals you have to ask their owners very detailed questions. Perhaps they’re suffering from allergies, have parasites in their fur or have sprained a paw and just need a bandage? You’ll find out what the problem is by diligently examining them. You can x-ray, take blood samples, vaccinate and much more.
Try it now and open your own veterinary practice today!
What's New
With our first update we solved some technical problems. In addition there are not only dogs walking through the waiting room anymore, from now on there are little cute cats too . Have fun to play "Dreamjob Veterinarian"!
Dreamjob Veterinarian – My First Little Animal Practice