Price Drop: 魔法单词 (Games)

Price Drop: 魔法单词 (Games)
魔法单词 iOS UniversalCategory: GamesPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: (iTunes) Description:魔法单词对对碰游戏内置超过400组单词。每局游戏限时2分钟。游戏中出现多组单词和图片,用最快的时间找出匹配的单词和图片。眼明手快的你准备好了吗?魔...

Price Drop: ICanFlyZhCn (Games)

Price Drop: ICanFlyZhCn (Games)
ICanFlyZhCn iOS UniversalCategory: GamesPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: (iTunes) Description:ipad iphone适用。书是人类进步的阶梯,终生的伴侣,最诚挚的朋友。——高尔基清新的画面,动听的音效。用手指操控魔法师,踏书飞翔。ICanFlyZ...

Price Drop: Cheats for Survivalcraft -Complete Guide (Reference)

Price Drop: Cheats for Survivalcraft -Complete Guide (Reference)
Cheats for Survivalcraft -Complete Guide 1.2Device: iOS UniversalCategory: ReferencePrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.2 (iTunes) Description:this a guide application containing: Cheats, Tips, Guides, Strategies, Boosts, Daily Spins, Multiplier Guide and more for Survivalcraft (Including the Facebook...

Price Drop: Fish Infos Plus (Lifestyle)

Price Drop: Fish Infos Plus (Lifestyle)
Fish Infos Plus 2.1Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: LifestylePrice: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 2.1 (iTunes) Description:Vous voulez en savoir plus sur le poisson que vous mangez ou que vous vous apprêtez à acheter ?Fish Infos vous le dira !Pour une pêche durable, adoptez une consommation responsable avec...

Price Drop: Spirit level with sound (Utilities)

Price Drop: Spirit level with sound (Utilities)
Spirit level with sound 1.4Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: UtilitiesPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.4 (iTunes) Description:This spirit level app helps you to bring your work into level. The sound indicates when the app is running. When the sound changes the iPhone is in level, if it is calibrated correctly....

Price Drop: Peekaboo People starring Richard Scarry's Busytown (Books)

Price Drop: Peekaboo People starring Richard Scarry's Busytown (Books)
Peekaboo People starring Richard Scarry's Busytown 1.0.2Device: iOS UniversalCategory: BooksPrice: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0.2 (iTunes) Description:Richard Scarry’s Busytown characters join the Peekaboo series!An elevator inside an office building opens to reveal your favorite Busytown characters...

Price Drop: Green Smoothie Game (Education)

Price Drop: Green Smoothie Game (Education)
Green Smoothie Game 1.7Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: EducationPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.7 (iTunes) Description:Catch enough healthy fruits, greens, and berries to make a smoothie and feed allthe forest animals. Avoid junk food, tools, toys, and other inedible objects as thiswill set you back.The...

Price Drop: Savage Worlds Combat Tracker (Games)

Price Drop: Savage Worlds Combat Tracker (Games)
Savage Worlds Combat Tracker 1.2Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: GamesPrice: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 1.2 (iTunes) Description:Roseburner Limited presents the officially licensed Savage Worlds Combat Tracker, or the SWCT for short. The SWCT is an app designed to help the player and GM track the particulars...

Price Drop: Color Piano (Music)

Price Drop: Color Piano (Music)
Color Piano 1.3Device: iOS UniversalCategory: MusicPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.3 (iTunes) Description:Listen the color of the world.Play the color of the world.- Color Piano -This application is a tool that converts the sound in real time the color of the world as seen through the camera.Use...

Price Drop: Complete Cheats for Subway Surfers - Full Strategy walkthrough (Reference)

Price Drop: Complete Cheats for Subway Surfers - Full Strategy walkthrough (Reference)
Complete Cheats for Subway Surfers - Full Strategy walkthrough 1.2Device: iOS UniversalCategory: ReferencePrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.2 (iTunes) Description:Are you looking for a collection of the best cheats and tips for Subway Surfers? This app will be your new best friend. These cheats will...

Price Drop: CISSP Certified Information Systems Security Professional Simulation (Education)

Price Drop: CISSP Certified Information Systems Security Professional Simulation (Education)
CISSP Certified Information Systems Security Professional Simulation 1.0Device: iOS UniversalCategory: EducationPrice: $14.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes) Description:CISSP Certified Information Systems Security Professional Exam Simulation Software:1,000 total CISSP questions in one simulation...

Price Drop: Personal Trainer Certification Simulation APP Personal Trainer Certification Exam Prep (Education)

Price Drop: Personal Trainer Certification Simulation APP Personal Trainer Certification Exam Prep (Education)
Personal Trainer Certification Simulation APP Personal Trainer Certification Exam Prep 1.0Device: iOS UniversalCategory: EducationPrice: $14.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes) Description:Personal Trainer ACE Personal Trainer Exam Simulation Software. 1000 Questions. Personal Trainer Certification...

Price Drop: B-A-Mazed (Games)

Price Drop: B-A-Mazed (Games)
B-A-Mazed 1.0Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: GamesPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes) Description:Free on April 1st!A fun challenging, addictive, and unique puzzle game!B-A-Mazed (Ball-in-A-Maze) ;-)Be prepared to set aside some time to master this game!You are presented with a random maze. You...

Price Drop: B-A-Mazed (Games)

Price Drop: B-A-Mazed (Games)
B-A-Mazed 1.0Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: GamesPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes) Description:Free on April 1st!A fun challenging, addictive, and unique puzzle game!B-A-Mazed (Ball-in-A-Maze) ;-)Be prepared to set aside some time to master this game!You are presented with a random maze. You...

Price Drop: 閩南語童謠 (Education)

Price Drop: 閩南語童謠 (Education)
閩南語童謠 1.0.2Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: EducationPrice: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0.2 (iTunes) Description:小時候吃番薯配菜脯,唱天烏烏欲落雨;長大了出門打拼,堅信愛拼才會贏;如今成家立業,有了自己的囝仔;希望還能聽聽故鄉的聲,聞聞故鄉的味;因爲,這是咱的根;原汁原味的鄉音,用心認真的錄制在哪裏都能聽到簡短純樸、趣味幽默的鄉音願咱厝人的聲音、咱厝人的文化世代相傳;阿郎在這裏,感謝你的支持和建議!郵件:anrongtech@gmail.com內容分爲四個部分:阿公講古——厝邊頭尾阿公阿嬷最愛講的古早故事,吟唱成歌,通俗易懂,生動活潑;逗陣歡喜——魚蝦水卒逗陣來迫逍(qi...

Price Drop: 金莲那点事 (Games)

Price Drop: 金莲那点事 (Games)
金莲那点事 1.0Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: GamesPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes) Description:现在登陆即送豪华礼包,超值大奖等你来拿!首次充值更有精彩大礼!【免费应用大全】特约限免。限免应用、免费应用尽在“免费应用大全”! App Store搜索“免费应用大全”即刻安装。【限免倒计时】特约限免。省钱、省时、省力,各种限免一网打尽!“限免倒计时”App Store免费下载安装。《金莲那点事》是一款非常好玩的卡牌策略网游。国内首款水浒卡牌题材游戏,Q版、萌,可爱的水浒英雄形象,大大增强了原著的人物性格。首创截取生辰纲的系统和徽章系统,增加战斗的多样性和参与乐趣。紧张刺激的战斗让你身临其境!...

Price Drop: 二战英雄HD (Games)

Price Drop: 二战英雄HD (Games)
二战英雄HD 1.0Device: iOS UniversalCategory: GamesPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes) Description:《二战英雄》是一款策略塔防类游戏,包含了经典塔防模式、单挑Boss模式、主动突击模式等等,如果玩腻了普通塔防,那就试试《二战英雄》吧!貌似伪装敌人去抢敌人的粮仓会很有意思呢……二战英...

Price Drop: 魔石英雄 (Games)

Price Drop: 魔石英雄 (Games)
魔石英雄 1.0.30Device: iOS UniversalCategory: GamesPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0.30 (iTunes) Description:客服QQ:2870590298微信公众平台:bingxuegame游戏特色:风靡全球的宝石消除玩法!新派点消式新玩法!让你消不停!超过百张的经典卡牌!完美重现亚瑟王与圆桌骑士的神话传奇!丰富的交互玩法!交友、友军支援、协力击杀BOSS,游戏世界不孤单!首创魔女新玩法!随机出现的魔女,不但样貌出众还携带大量宝物,等你调教!游戏背景:正邪双方势不两立,邪恶势力代表魔眼和正义代表正义联盟,相互争斗数年。知道拥有神秘力量的魔石被发现。双方开始了新一轮的争斗。魔石的神秘力量非常强大,它可以召唤出在冥界的英灵。谁获得魔石即可统治世界。  玩家将扮演一名伟大的领主,被正义联盟议会招募。在议会秘书的指引在一步一步瓦解魔眼召唤组建的强大军队。最后拯救了被魔眼蛊惑的亚瑟王,并彻底粉碎魔眼的进攻正义联盟的计划。What's...

Price Drop: Space Calc (Games)

Price Drop: Space Calc (Games)
Space Calc 1.0Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: GamesPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes) Description:宇宙で脳を活性化!頭の良くなる近未来型スクロール計算シューティングあそびかた1. 画面上をタップして左右に移動させる!2. 答えをタップしてターゲットを消す!3. アイテムを使って高得点を目指す!ルール・式がシャトルに当たったり、逃してしまうとライフが減ります・ライフがなくなるとゲームオーバーです・チャージが満タンにならないとナンバーは撃てません(連射できないので気を付けて!)●高得点で隠し要素解禁!がんばってスターを集めよう!Space...

Price Drop: Z War (Games)

Price Drop: Z War (Games)
Z War 1.1Device: iOS UniversalCategory: GamesPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1 (iTunes) Description:● The End is here, dead walking!In the future,World is fighting against a viral epidemic war, which no one exactly knows how it starts. In an effort to save the world, teams of medical, science, and...

Price Drop: 新建筑 | 汇聚全球最美建筑 (News)

Price Drop: 新建筑 | 汇聚全球最美建筑 (News)
新建筑 | 汇聚全球最美建筑 1.0Device: iOS UniversalCategory: NewsPrice: $14.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes) Description:『新建筑』是一个有关建筑、城市、环境和家居设计的新媒体,也是中国第一款提供高清建筑图+设计稿的图片应用。『新建筑』每天由国内最专业的建筑设计师把散落在世界各地最美好的建筑搜罗回来进行分享,目前已经拥有了高达几百万条的建筑资料库。我们相信,它将会是你在设计、建造房子或家居装修时的好帮手!『新建筑』能让喜欢生活的你,在愉悦的视觉享受之余,逐渐找到自己的生活方式。『新建筑』的特点:#...

Price Drop: Ark Duo - Earth Recon (Games)

Price Drop: Ark Duo - Earth Recon (Games)
Ark Duo - Earth Recon 2.0Device: iOS UniversalCategory: GamesPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 2.0 (iTunes) Description:The trek back to earth is perilous as a horde of alien drones and asteroids defy your desperate escape in this action space shooter."[Ark Duo – Earth Recon] is a simple yet fun approach...

Price Drop: UfoFlight (Games)

Price Drop: UfoFlight (Games)
UfoFlight 1.1Device: iOS UniversalCategory: GamesPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1 (iTunes) Description:You are the Pilot of a flying saucer and your mission is to navigate the ship through an area full of wrecks.By tapping on the screen you activate the boost.Don´t fly the ship into the metal pillars...

Price Drop: 五十音好簡單線上完整版 (Education)

Price Drop: 五十音好簡單線上完整版 (Education)
五十音好簡單線上完整版 1.0Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: EducationPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes) Description:提供給初學五十音的人不錯的線上版教學影片(若您的居住區域無法播放Youtube影片請勿下載)作者將自己的學習五十音的心得整理成容易記憶的方式錄製成教學影片,希望幫助更多想學五十音的朋友可以在很短的時間內學會五十音音標!五十音好簡單線上...

Price Drop: Shocking Zombie! (Games)

Price Drop: Shocking Zombie! (Games)
Shocking Zombie! 1.0Device: iOS UniversalCategory: GamesPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes) Description:Zombie Drop is only the coolest physics based puzzle game available to bring you the best game experience possible.Object:Drop the Zombie down onto a metal block by destroying all the other...

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