Price Drop: Bug Eyed (Games)

Price Drop: Bug Eyed (Games)
Bug Eyed 1.8Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: GamesPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.8 (iTunes) Description:Bug Eyed is a shooting-gallery style 'hillbilly' game where you fight against MOSQUITOES, DRAGONFLIES, SPIDERS, ALLIGATORS and FROGS. Make sure you don't swat the FIREFLIES 'cuz they help you in the...

Price Drop: Pond Life (Games)

Price Drop: Pond Life (Games)
Pond Life 1.0Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: GamesPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes) Description:A simple yet mesmerising pond life simulation. Pass idle minutes, hours and days waiting for buses, trains and planes with your friendly frogs.Frogs dive into the pond, bounce off each other, sink...

Price Drop: Haunted Cemetery (Games)

Price Drop: Haunted Cemetery (Games)
Haunted Cemetery 2.3Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: GamesPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 2.3 (iTunes) Description:GDN gives Haunted Cemetery an 8.0. "Haunted Cemetery puts you through ten levels of divebombing vampire bats, rattling skeletons, web-weaving spiders and shambling zombies. I like the cohesiveness...

Price Drop: Music4Dayz - Music Streaming and Downloading from Dropbox. (Music)

Price Drop: Music4Dayz - Music Streaming and Downloading from Dropbox. (Music)
Music4Dayz - Music Streaming and Downloading from Dropbox. 1.0Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: MusicPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes) Description:With Music4Dayz, you can stream or download all your favourite songs from your dropbox account! You can download your all time favourites so that you...

Price Drop: 奔跑吧三国(官方独家授权) (Games)

Price Drop: 奔跑吧三国(官方独家授权) (Games)
奔跑吧三国(官方独家授权) 1.0.0Device: iOS UniversalCategory: GamesPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0.0 (iTunes) Description:爆屏卡牌我先来!本世纪最酷炫精美逗趣SLG手游,点燃你寂寞的心,亮瞎你水汪汪的大眼,堵塞你空洞的大脑!邀上好友,和我一起奔跑吧!三国!!!【阵法解封+摧毁世界+三国时代雄起】被封尘的阵法突现,三国时代的名将枭雄意图摧毁世界,这是预谋还是偶然?三国大战即将开启,你想成为勇斗吕布?你想成为貌美貂蝉?或者你想成为三国时代中一颗耀眼的星星?奔跑吧,三国!一次性满足你N个愿望,摆脱现实中的垂头丧气,来三国时代雄起!【画面精美+玩法新奇+超乎想象特技】我们的画面精美,如婴儿般细腻白嫩,毫无瑕疵!我们的玩法新奇,就像你在浑浊手游中的一口清泉,甜在嘴里,爽在心里!我们的特技超乎想象,名将枭雄化身特效达人根本停不下来!酷炫大招,指尖轻触,丝滑释放!【费脑策略+心机组合+谱写天下霸业】费脑的SLG手游不断侵蚀你的脑细胞,心塞气短愤怒是常见症状,不是你智商不够,是游戏太酷炫,敢来征战吗?在这里,可以帮你实现各种奇葩组合,只有你不敢试,没有你试不成的组合!不要再犹豫,谱写你的天下霸业的好时机来了!——Come...

Price Drop: iQuitter (Social Networking)

Price Drop: iQuitter (Social Networking)
iQuitter 1.0.0Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: Social NetworkingPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0.0 (iTunes) Description:In order to quit a negative behavior, a support group who understands your situation is necessary. iQuit provides a custom , private, virtual support group that allows you to connect...

Price Drop: Note Blast (Entertainment)

Price Drop: Note Blast (Entertainment)
Note Blast 1.1Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: EntertainmentPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1 (iTunes) Description:!!!!!!! Back to School SALE !!!!!!! Ends 2/2/15Note Blast works on learning the notes one string at a time.Blow up the notes and get to know your guitar. :)Learn the notes on the staff and...

Price Drop: Gistagram (Photography)

Price Drop: Gistagram (Photography)
Gistagram 1.0Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: PhotographyPrice: $4.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes) Description:Get the gist of Instagram in no time. No more thumb pain for relentlessly scrolling through Instagram's feed. You simply select the Instagram follows that truly matter to you. You get their...

Price Drop: Bet Tips (Sports)

Price Drop: Bet Tips (Sports)
Bet Tips 1.0Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: SportsPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes) Description:Now, over 100k people are using ‘Bet Tips’.And what is ‘Bet Tips’ ?Bet Tips is a mobile application, which offers users best prediction according to statistics.All information about two teams are...

Portable Inkscape v0.91 r13725 Multilanguage

Portable Inkscape v0.91 r13725 Multilanguage
Inkscape is an open-source vector graphics editor similar to Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Freehand, or Xara X. What sets Inkscape apart is its use of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), an open XML-based W3C standard, as the native format. In contrast to raster (bitmap) graphics editors such as Photoshop...

Price Drop: Carnival Quiz (Games)

Price Drop: Carnival Quiz (Games)
Carnival Quiz 1.1Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: GamesPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1 (iTunes) Description:'Carnival Quiz' is the most fun yet challenging quiz available for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Featuring over 6000 professionally written and up to date questions, across six topics, combined...

Price Drop: Randomore (Utilities)

Price Drop: Randomore (Utilities)
Randomore 1.1Device: iOS UniversalCategory: UtilitiesPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1 (iTunes) Description:Randomore is a random number generator that's easy to use and nice to look at.It can generate whole and decimal numbers within a defined range, coin flips, dice rolls, and percents. It also...

Price Drop: ColorNote Pro For Catch Notes (Education)

Price Drop: ColorNote Pro For Catch Notes (Education)
ColorNote Pro For Catch Notes 1.1Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: EducationPrice: $2.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1 (iTunes) Description:smooth linessmooth writing & drawing*vector graphic methoddata is stored in small file size. and it is editable*dynamic frame colorsall icons & frame colors are changed...

Price Drop: PhotoCleanUp - Quickly delete images from your photo albums (Utilities)

Price Drop: PhotoCleanUp - Quickly delete images from your photo albums (Utilities)
PhotoCleanUp - Quickly delete images from your photo albums 1.1Device: iOS UniversalCategory: UtilitiesPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1 (iTunes) Description:Photo Clean Up allows you to quickly clean up your photo albums.- Find photos by location- Find photos between a specified date range- Delete...

Price Drop: Beauty Video - Self Portrait Video retouch and makeup (Photography)

Price Drop: Beauty Video - Self Portrait Video retouch and makeup (Photography)
Beauty Video - Self Portrait Video retouch and makeup 1.1Device: iOS UniversalCategory: PhotographyPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1 (iTunes) Description:Beauty Video Filter app takes the best skin smoothing technology available. Automatic mask which gives you more precise skin retouching capabilities...

Price Drop: iMotivator - Мотивация к успеху,бизнесу,спорту (Lifestyle)

Price Drop: iMotivator - Мотивация к успеху,бизнесу,спорту (Lifestyle)
iMotivator - Мотивация к успеху,бизнесу,спорту 2.1Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: LifestylePrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 2.1 (iTunes) Description:Ты устал и у тебя нет сил? Не задумывался ли ты, что пора что-то менять?Это не секрет, что все мы ленимся и, порой, у нас просто нет сил на покорение Олимпа.Научно...

Price Drop: FUNNY GUN (Games)

Price Drop: FUNNY GUN (Games)
FUNNY GUN 1.2Device: iOS UniversalCategory: GamesPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.2 (iTunes) Description:This is a fun arcade style game "western". You are waiting for the hurricane shootout with bandits, different weapons and a lot of humor on the picturesque Wild West.What's NewA bug with disappearing...

Price Drop: A Six-Guns Casino in a Vegas Metal Dark Den PRO (Games)

Price Drop: A Six-Guns Casino in a Vegas Metal Dark Den PRO (Games)
A Six-Guns Casino in a Vegas Metal Dark Den PRO 1.0Device: iOS UniversalCategory: GamesPrice: $4.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes) Description:****PRO Version with no ads**********The gangster hitmen of Vegas know how to have a good time. Get the whole Vegas experience from their point of view. Hustlin'...

Price Drop: Vacation Slots PRO - Paradise Island Casino (Games)

Price Drop: Vacation Slots PRO - Paradise Island Casino (Games)
Vacation Slots PRO - Paradise Island Casino 1.0Device: iOS UniversalCategory: GamesPrice: $4.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes) Description:*****Get the PRO Version to enjoy with no ads displayed!*****20 and 30 ways to win!*****Bonus multipliers and Bonus memory games to win free coins!*****12 Free...

Price Drop: Critical Missions: SPACE (Games)

Price Drop: Critical Missions: SPACE (Games)
Critical Missions: SPACE 1.1Device: iOS UniversalCategory: GamesPrice: $2.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1 (iTunes) Description:EN: Free today with App of the DayJP:「本日のアプリ」で今日だけ無料に!KR: “앱 뒤 주르”가 드리는 오늘의 무료 앱RU: С Приложением Дня бесплатно только сегодняIT: Oggi gratis grazie ad App Del GiornoBR: Hoje grátis...

Price Drop: TOEFL easy (Education)

Price Drop: TOEFL easy (Education)
TOEFL easy 2.2.0Device: iOS UniversalCategory: EducationPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 2.2.0 (iTunes) Description:In TOEFL, speaking language is the most difficult for most persons, because the schools in China teach you English only for the examations, which brings you up in the habit of listening...

Autoruns 13.00

Autoruns 13.00
Autoruns shows you what programs are configured to run during system bootup or login, and shows you the entries in the order Windows processes them. These programs include ones in your startup folder, Run, RunOnce, and other Registry keys. You can configure Autoruns to show other locations, including...

Price Drop: SnoreBear (Entertainment)

Price Drop: SnoreBear (Entertainment)
SnoreBear 1.0Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: EntertainmentPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes) Description:Snore Bear is a digital pet that responds to your touch. Pet in different directions to change the bear's mood. Featuring fluid animation, hand-drawn digital illustrations, and simple interaction...

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