听安徒生童话-专为睡前贴心设计 1.7Device: iOS UniversalCategory: EducationPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.7 (iTunes) Description:听安徒生童话-睡前故事离线版让你的孩子听着美丽的童话入睡,孩子绝对爱听。贴心设计,送你入眠,悄悄变小,应用简洁,收藏方便,检索便捷。让你的孩子听着美丽的童话入睡,孩子绝对爱听。1.本应用含有100多篇动听的经典童话。2.完全针对儿童录制的绘声绘色的录音。4.音量随着逐渐睡熟慢慢变小3.播讲动听。孩子绝对爱听。4.可收藏爱听的童话5.定时停止。6.便于搜索童话听安...
Price Drop: Ace Chaser (Games)
Ace Chaser 1.2Device: iOS UniversalCategory: GamesPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.2 (iTunes) Description:Introducing Ace Chaser - the most frustratingly challenging game for iPhone. The longer you go withoutfalling, the higher your score! Watch out for obstacles and sneaky creatures that could push...
Price Drop: Snap-N-Park (Lifestyle)
Snap-N-Park 1.1Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: LifestylePrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1 (iTunes) Description:Do you always forget where you parked? Use Snap-N-Park to take a picture of where you parked! Easily take a photo of your car, bike or scooter so you never forget where you left it!The app features...
Price Drop: Baby Shower Checklist Ideas (Lifestyle)
Baby Shower Checklist Ideas 1.2Device: iOS UniversalCategory: LifestylePrice: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 1.2 (iTunes) Description:*** 48 Hour Sale - 50% OFF - Buy Soon ***Baby Shower Checklist Idea is an app that includes the information for how to prepare your baby shower completely starting from scratch.Here...
Price Drop: English Prepositions Help (Education)
English Prepositions Help 1.0Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: EducationPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes) Description:If you are not sure which preposition to use, the app 'English Prepositions Help' from England is for you.This app can help you to correctly use prepositions when writing emails...
Price Drop: File Transfer Direct : NearPush (Utilities)
File Transfer Direct : NearPush 1.0.5Device: iOS UniversalCategory: UtilitiesPrice: $2.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0.5 (iTunes) Description:NearPush lets you quickly share photos, videos and files to others directly and chat with people nearby.You don't need Internet, NFC, QR Code and register an account...
Price Drop: LikeLight (Photography)
LikeLight 1.0Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: PhotographyPrice: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes) Description:LikeLight is a vintage design studio application. Create amazing photos by adding effect, symbol,rainbow,universe, light leaks,flag,bokeh, textures, photo filters, adjustments, and much more...
Price Drop: Quizzen (Games)
Quizzen 1.4Device: iOS UniversalCategory: GamesPrice: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 1.4 (iTunes) Description:Quiz Spiel mit verschiedenen SchwierigkeitsgradenZwei Spieler treten gegeneinander an. Den Kandidaten werden abwechselnd Fragen gestellt, jede Quizrunde (ein Fragenpaar) steht unter einem bestimmten...
Price Drop: Marriage Almanac (Lifestyle)
Marriage Almanac 3.0.0Device: iOS UniversalCategory: LifestylePrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 3.0.0 (iTunes) Description:The Marriage Almanac, updated to the latest 2015 database.The most professional and authoritative Chinese almanac inquiry, but also the most classic version almanac.Chinese almanac...
Price Drop: 老黄历测吉凶全功能版 - 2015年最新版日历设计 (Lifestyle)
老黄历测吉凶全功能版 - 2015年最新版日历设计 2.0.0Device: iOS UniversalCategory: LifestylePrice: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 2.0.0 (iTunes) Description:《老黄历测吉凶》,最专业最权威最新的老黄历吉凶查询。《老黄历测吉凶》记载每日公历、夏历日期、干支、节气、宜忌、中国传统节日等。并且专门针对iOS 8.x进行设计,在完全兼容旧系统的基础上,提供iOS 8.x下的最舒适的操作体验,最快速的操作反应。收费的全功能版提供非常实用的增强功能,日程管理,宜忌快速查询,绝对是不可错过的。【关于老黄历】我们现在使用的公历是纯粹的阳历,它只以地球绕太阳运动的规律为依据,完全不考虑月球的变化,月份的设置完全是人为设定的。为了方便对外交往和文化交流,也为了我们生活使用简便,公历现在成了我国通用的历法。中国古代历法采用阴阳合历,比起其他国家所采用的纯阳历或纯阴历都要精准,这是一门科学必备的条件与精神。中国古代历法还包括日、月、五星的运动,位置的计算;昏、旦中星和时刻的测定;日、月食的预报等等。就某种程度来说,中国古代的历法就是一种编算天文年历的工作。它包括中国古代天文学的许多重要内容,是古代科学观察和研究的结晶。宇宙中日、月、星辰的互动,对人可产生什么影响,古今学者都认为,所有的宇宙运动都会不同程度的作用于地球生命,从而在地球生命上打下深深的烙印。在日、月、星的运动中,蕴藏着万物消长的规律,寓含着深奥的物候原理。因此,在研究人与自然的关系中,离不开日月星的运行,而中国古代的历法正是为这种研究,提供了最好的时空背景。历法上的吉凶之说虽然充满迷信色彩,甚至于荒诞无稽,但它包含我国古代哲学、天文、地理、自然生态等诸多方面丰富的内涵,并蕴藏着人们如何顺应自然的论述。重要的是,我们不能否认其中蕴含的心理因素。迷信附会和不加分析的批判都是不可取的,我们今天以科学态度去深入探究它,对阐明我国古代传统文化会有所裨益。【术语解释】祭祀:指祭拜祖先和神明等。安葬:举行埋葬等仪式。嫁娶:结婚的日子。出行:外出旅游等。祈福:祈求神明降福或设醮还愿之事。动土:建筑房屋时、第一次动起锄头挖土。安床:指安置床铺。开光:佛像塑成后、供奉上位之事。纳采:订婚时受授聘金。入殓:将尸体放入棺材。移徙:搬家、迁移住所。破土:指埋葬死人。解除:打扫房屋。入宅:搬入新家。修造:修理建造房屋。栽种:种植作物。开市:商店开张营业。移柩:移动棺材。订盟:订婚仪式的一种,俗称小聘。拆卸:拆毁房屋。立卷:订立各种契约互相买卖之事。交易:订立各种契约互相买卖之事。求嗣:向神明祈求后代。上梁:给房屋装上大梁。纳财:购屋产业、进货、收帐、收租、讨债、贷款、五谷入仓等。起基:建筑时、第一次动起锄头挖土。斋醮:庙宇建醮前需举行的斋戒仪式。赴任:走马上任。冠笄:男女年满二十岁所举行的成年礼仪式。安门:放置正门门框。修坟:修理坟墓。挂匾:指悬挂招牌或各种匾额。What's...
Price Drop: iJesus (Sports)
iJesus 3.0Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: SportsPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 3.0 (iTunes) Description:Por menos do que, provavelmente, costuma dar a um arrumador de carros, pode ter todas as pérolas do grande Jorge Jesus no seu dispositivo móvel.Tais como:- "Piners"- "Joga o Manel"- "Definição de experiência"E...
Price Drop: فریاگوزاری سه ره تایی (Medical)
فریاگوزاری سه ره تایی 1.1Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: MedicalPrice: $3.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1 (iTunes) Description:فریاگوزاری سهرهتاییدروستكردنی : سهرمهد گهردیبهرێزان به شێوهیهكی گشتی بواری تهندوستی بورارێكی گرنگه ،بۆیه به پێویستم زانی لهم پرۆگرامه باسی فریاگوزاری سهرهتایی بكهم.بهرێزان...
Price Drop: Trambo (Games)
Trambo 1.4.1Device: iOS UniversalCategory: GamesPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.4.1 (iTunes) Description:PLEASE NOTE: Requires at least an iPhone 4S, iPad 2, iPod touch (5th gen) or newer.TRAMBO is an action packed minimalistic platformer with unique and simple gameplay mechanics.We got rid of clumsy...
Price Drop: Children: My first book of Urdu (Games)
Children: My first book of Urdu 1.0Device: iOS UniversalCategory: GamesPrice: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes) Description:My first book of Urdu is a colorful interactive app for children to learn basic letters and words in Urdu. Natural pictures sounds and sound effects keep the child engaged.Learn...
Price Drop: Chalkboard Air (Education)
Chalkboard Air 1.0Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: EducationPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes) Description:Virtual chalkboard for your iDevices.Writing and drawing everything you want on the chalkboard, using realistic colored chalks.We have added chalk-stick sounds to make you feel that you really...
Price Drop: Windy - the wind compass and forecast (Weather)
Windy - the wind compass and forecast 1.4Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: WeatherPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.4 (iTunes) Description:Powerful application about wind!You can easy to find where the wind blows! Also tracking wind speed, wind gusts, direction, temperature and hourly forecast for 3 days...
Price Drop: FinanceCalc Pro (Finance)
FinanceCalc Pro 1.1.0Device: iOS UniversalCategory: FinancePrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1.0 (iTunes) Description:FinanceCalc Pro is an easy-to-use, lightweight application, which provides tools that will make your finance-life easier. At the moment FinanceCalc Pro consists of a tax-calculator,...
Price Drop: Ada vs Zombies (Games)
Ada vs Zombies 1.0.2Device: iOS UniversalCategory: GamesPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0.2 (iTunes) Description:Get ready for intense zombie squishing action! A military biology lab experiment gone wrong has filled the land with undead zombies. Make a dash to the safe zone to save yourself from...
Price Drop: Learn Balochi Writing by WAGmob (Education)
Learn Balochi Writing by WAGmob 1.0Device: iOS UniversalCategory: EducationPrice: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes) Description:* * * * * WAGmob : Over One Million Paying Customers from over 175 Countries. 100% satisfaction is guaranteed. * * * * *WAGmob brings you a Simple 'n Easy, on-the-go...
Price Drop: Parkour Panda (Games)
Parkour Panda 1.2Device: iOS UniversalCategory: GamesPrice: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 1.2 (iTunes) Description:Pull parkour moves and prove to the world that you are the best!*** Download Parkour Panda and give a child a bed today! ***By downloading Parkour Panda you can give an orphan in Kenya their...
Price Drop: Social Reminders (Productivity)
Social Reminders 2.1.2Device: iOS UniversalCategory: ProductivityPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 2.1.2 (iTunes) Description:Simple, Synced, Social - A simple and fast todo list, syncing with the cloud, sharing tasks with your friends and colleagues.Simple- Type and click return to add tasks- Slide...
Price Drop: Video Editor : Cut Videos (Photography)
Video Editor : Cut Videos 1.0Device: iOS UniversalCategory: PhotographyPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes) Description:Video cutter is the application to cut the videos. Video asset can be loaded and saved to the the device as per your requirement.Amazing tool to remove your unwanted part...
Price Drop: Dino RA (Entertainment)
Dino RA 1.0Device: iOS UniversalCategory: EntertainmentPrice: $74.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes) Description:Descarga el marker de http://ift.tt/1G30Wdt y vive la realidad aumentada de DinoDino...
Price Drop: The Gentleman (Games)
The Gentleman 1.0.0Device: iOS iPhoneCategory: GamesPrice: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0.0 (iTunes) Description:The Gentleman! Now with blocks!The Gentleman is a game about a gentleman...But this is no ordinary gentleman. The Gentleman is quite obsessed with finding his monocle. Not any monocle will...
Price Drop: Hadits 9 Imam (Kutubut Tis'ah) (Reference)
Hadits 9 Imam (Kutubut Tis'ah) 2.0Device: iOS UniversalCategory: ReferencePrice: $64.99 -> Free, Version: 2.0 (iTunes) Description:Hadits Book from 9 Imam in Indonesian and Arabic, complete with Sanad tree and Rawi search. You can set in the preference to hide Indonesian translation.الكتب التسعة...