Eat Salad! : First part of "Read With Pen" series - apps that will teach your toddler to read! 1.1
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Education
Price: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1 (iTunes)
"... Eat Salad addresses a common situation for parents of preschoolers" - Fun Educational Apps []
" ... The app makes it fun for children to interact in a variety of settings and does not require them to engage for too long which is perfect for shorter attention spans." - iMums []
Enjoy the app that combines proven educational methods with heaps of fun and interactions just for your toddler... and you!
This app will teach your toddler how to read first three letter words (including MOM and DAD!). We teach kids using Phonemic Awareness method. There are 13 basic phonics introduced that are to be blended by your kid using Word Machine. We have invented this approach to combine effective learning method with heaps of fun. There are also 4 engaging games and memorization module that helps keep you learn in systematical way. Enjoy first episode of the series!
* Our app is designed to maximize the parents’ or caregivers’ involvement in playing games with the children and in their learning process.
* You will spend quality time with your kids while learning through fun!
* We are building a series of apps that share common characters and threads, thanks to which the kids’ attention is easily attracted, and that results in higher engagement in learning.
* There are FREE do-it-yourself add-ons (paper flashcards, stick puppets etc.)
* Our graphics and sounds has been crafted carefully by the artists who are experienced in working on products for kids.
* What will also help your tots socialize is our narration, thanks to which empathy and communication skills develop faster.
* Our app is well tested and verified by a professional psychologist. We can assure you that this works as we teach our own kids to read by playing this app!
Yes, your child can learn to read as early as that! You don’t have to send your kid to school so that he or she acquires this most essential skill of the contemporary world!
Our series of apps is rooted in scientifically proved methods of teaching kids to read - Phonemic Awareness (PA) based systems. The Report of the National Reading Panel conducted by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) that carefully analyzed 1,962 citations on relevant studies states that:
‘Teaching children to manipulate phonemes in words was highly effective under a variety of teaching conditions with a variety of learners across a range of grade and age levels and that teaching phonemic awareness to children significantly improves their reading more than instruction that lacks any attention to Phonemic Awareness.’
Vast majority of brain functions develop during first 6 years of life. Although the chances to develop most of the cognitive abilities are not lost after that time, the ‘earlier is better than later’ principle definitely applies here.
1. Use the app everyday! - Systematic use is the key to success
2. Enough is enough! - Stop whenever your kid says enough
3. Organize ‘Say it with me’ sessions! - Train phonemic awareness in regular conversations
...and most important HAVE FUN TOO!
This app was brought to you by Mofables. You can send us a message at and share your opinion about the game with us (the same holds for suggestions and bug reports, your feedback really matters to us!). You can also visit our website to learn more about our method or app concepts. In order to find more applications for children or keep up with what’s new, follow us on Twitter or Facebook.
What's New
As always we are all ears to listen to our customers. Below is what came to the top your list and what we are happy to deliver:
- enhancement to join-the-dots mechanics that make it even more playful for toddlers (multitouch fixes, arrow hints)
- reliability enhancement that makes app more stable
Eat Salad! : First part of "Read With Pen" series - apps that will teach your toddler to read!
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