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Price Drop: Scrobl - for Last.fm (Music)

Scrobl - for Last.fm 1.03

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Music

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.03 (iTunes)


Scrobl is the freshest, snappiest Last.fm scrobbler for all your iOS devices with background scrobbling.

Designed for iOS 7

- Finds the music you've listened to by scanning your music library for new play counts and scrobbles them to your Last.fm profile

- No need to sync with iTunes to get your scrobbles!

- Supports iTunes Match (iTunes in the Cloud)

- Option to automatically scan when opening app

- Turn on 'Show profile photo' to replace the circle at the top with your Last.fm profile photo

- 'Live artwork backgrounds' brings your artwork to life by blurring and animating them into the background

- Stores offline plays and scrobbles them when you have an internet connection

- You won't lose un-scrobbled tracks if you quit the app

- Clean, fuss-free interface

- Universal app to use with your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad (Supports landscape and portrait for the iPad and iPad mini)

- Switch in settings to remove/condense duplicate tracks to one track

- Background scrobbling: Users on iOS 7 can take advantage of Background App Refresh. The app will search for scrobbles roughly every 10-60 minutes and submit them.

- The ultimate Last.fm batch scrobbler

- URL scheme: scrobl://


Any problems or questions please contact me via @shaddeen_ or shaddeen.com/contact

iTunes Match across multiple devices and duplicate scrobbles:

This is a tricky one. Since scrobbling is based on play counts and iTunes Match play counts are in-sync across all devices, there's no easy way of keeping all versions of Scrobl up-to-date without uploading a small-scale database to iCloud (not possible). But there could be some work-arounds for this.

1. Disable auto-scan and 'Confirm before scrobbling' in Scrobl. Then just before you begin listening to music on another device, open Scrobl and go to settings. Tap 'Reset database' and then listen to your music. But you must have a live internet connection whilst doing this so that the play counts from iTunes Match are updated before resetting the database. However the speed at which cross-device syncing takes place is another thing; it's impossible to guarantee that the iTunes Match service is ready sync the new play counts to your device when opening the app; could happen straight away, or perhaps a few minutes later.

2. Use Scrobl on only one device. It blows, I know, but since play counts are updated automatically across all devices, the best solution and one that is guaranteed to prevent duplicates is to install Scrobl on only one device, and remove any other types of scrobblers on your other devices (Including your Desktop/Laptop if your using iTunes Match there).

I will of course keep you updated if I get any ideas or if something changes.

What's New

- Attempt to fix a bug that causes a crash when blurred backgrounds is enabled: in order to fix this I had to change the blur animation and temporarily disable artwork changes when scanning/scrobbling.

New features:

- Switch in settings to remove/condense duplicate tracks to one track

- Background scrobbling: Users on iOS 7 can take advantage of Background App Refresh. The app will search for scrobbles roughly every 10-60 minutes and submit them.

If you're having any issues please contact me by tapping the settings icon in the app.

A big thanks to Rob and Peter for the help in locating the cause of the crash.


Enjoy and a happy new year to you all!!

Scrobl - for Last.fm


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