Piggy Tries To Stay Clean -Cute story for kids about hygiene and cleanliness 1.0
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Entertainment
Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)
Little Piggy is asked by her mother to stay clean in preparation for family visitors. As she tries her best to follow her mother's instructions, Piggy finds herself in all sorts of funny situations. Share this story with your little reader to emphasize the importance of discipline and persistence.
- Interactive character animations on touch, accelerometer and other sensors
- Games to engage and enhance the learning experience, like memory game, word search game, puzzle games etc. for each story
- Read-along word highlighting promotes word recognition among young readers
- Top-notch illustrations keep kids entertained by letting their imaginations take over
- Read on your own or follow along with expert narration, and record your own audio to personalize and share with friends
- Read textbooks, take notes, make highlights, search and share
- Multi lingual stories to learn languages like hindi, Marathi, tamil, Bengali, telugu, Spanish, French, German, Italian etc.
Piggy Tries To Stay Clean -Cute story for kids about hygiene and cleanliness
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