MedIntw 1.0
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Healthcare & Fitness
Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)
What is MedIntw?
This App is a practical aid for the medical student/intern, specialist-in-training or physician who wants to prepare for a medical interview in less than 15 seconds (in the interview room so to speak). These interview skills are – as much as possible – patient-centered.
Patient-centered interviewing is a respectful way of communicating in which you adapt to the patient and the situation he is in. As a patient-centered health provider, you try and identify the patient’s perspective. You want to go beyond understanding the patient’s condition, to also understanding his underlying need. You also want to achieve mutual understanding and agreement, share control and responsibility with the patient and encourage the patient’s problem-solving ability and self-efficacy.
How does the App work?
Every chapter opens with a QuickScan which contains a number of tips. The text which comes after the QuickScan more or less follows the order of a typical consultation. You start out by ‘joining’, trying to align yourself with the patient verbally and non-verbally. You finish by bringing the interview to a conclusion. There is an art to doing this well. Each chapter contains examples of what you might say. Such examples have been included by way of inspiration. Try and mix things up a bit; you will probably think of other, better things to say. As long as you mean what you say and remain true to yourself.
The text is based on two Dutch text books by psychiatrist Remke van Staveren, where you can find all references. These books are: Patiëntgericht communiceren. Gids voor de medische praktijk [Patient-centered interviewing. (A guide to medical practice)] (De Tijdstroom, 2010) and Patiëntgericht communiceren in de ggz [Patient-centered interviewing in mental health] (De Tijdstroom, 2013). The English eBook Patient-centered interviewing is in progress.
All due care was taken in creating the contents of this App. The author(s), editors or publisher nevertheless do not take any liability for any information contained therein and deemed incomplete or incorrect. Neither do they accept any liability for any incorrect medical actions resulting from the contents of this App. They would be happy to receive any suggestions relating to possible improvement of the information contained herein.
About this App
The MedIntw App Version 1.0 is a publication by De Tijdstroom Uitgeverij B.V.
Author: Remke van Staveren
Product Development: Jonge Sla Design
Publisher: De Tijdstroom Uitgeverij B.V.
© 2014 All rights reserved.
Nothing in this publication may be duplicated, stored in any computerised database or made public in any form or any manner, either electronically, mechanically, by means of photocopying, recording or any other way, without the prior written consent of the publisher.
De Tijdstroom Uitgeverij B.V.
P.O. Box 775
3500 AT Utrecht
We welcome your feedback on Medical Interviewing. Please send your comments or ideas to
De Tijdstroom Uitgeverij B.V.
P.O. Box 775
3500 AT Utrecht
The Netherlands
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